Preliminary Phase: Framework and Principles

Objectives Steps Inputs Outputs

To confirm the commitment of the stakeholders

To define the constraining principles

To identify an organization's "architecture footprint" that is, the people responsible for performing the architecture work, where they are located, and their responsibilities

To define the scope and assumptions; this is particularly important for large organizations where there may be a federated architecture environment

To define the framework and detailed methodologies that are going to be used to develop the enterprise architecture in the organization; this is typically an adaptation of the ADM

To set up and monitor the framework's fitness-for-purpose; normally this includes an initial pilot project to check the viability of the approach within the organization

To define the evaluation criteria for tools, repositories, and management processes to: capture, publish, and maintain architecture artifacts

Defining "How we do Architecture": Principles and Frameworks

Establishing IT Architecture Governance

TOGAF Architecture Development Method (ADM)

Other architecture framework(s)

Business strategy (including goals and drivers)

IT governance strategy

Architecture principles, including business principles

Other federated architectures principles

Architecture principles

Framework definition

Restatement of business principles, goals, and drivers

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